Borovoy: In few months the ruble will fall twice. The survival of Putin and his company will depend on Poroshenko G

Konstantin Borovoy: The state that we call Russia today, – is the unfortunate project of transformation of a splinter of the spiteful Soviet empire into the democratic state.
Photo: Konstantin Borovoy / Facebook

The ex-deputy of the State Duma, the chairman of the party "The western choice" Konstantin Borovoy in exclusive interview to "GORDON" told about what unites plane crash near Smolensk in which the president of Poland Lech Kaczyñski died four years ago, the crash of Malaysian Boeing 777 near Donetsk and acts of terrorism in Paris, and also how Kadyrov can replace Putin and why Russia doesn't exist any more.

by Tatyana Orel

On January 7 in , in editorial office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo the best caricaturists of were shot. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper Stephane Sharbonye was among them. He in 2006 made the decision to reprint in Charlie Hebdo the Danish caricatures on the prophet Muhammad; he also published the drawings on the same subject more than once.

As a result of this act of terrorism and the subsequent which occurred in on January 8 and 9, 17 people were lost.

On Friday, January 9, three terrorists were destroyed during detention. The French security officers assume that those terrorists were from one of Islamic terrorist groups.

Today, on January 11, there will be the march of unity in . The president of François Hollande, Petro Poroshenko, Angela Merkel and leaders of other states will be also present. It is expected that tens of thousands of French will come to mourning procession to memory of the dead in acts of terrorism.

The far-right nationalist political party "National front" was eliminated from this action. Their leader, Marine Le Pen, at parliamentary elections of 2012 collected 20% of votes and more than 25% of voices – on last year's elections to European Parliament.

In November of the 2014th the Presse news agency reported about receiving by National Front party the credit of €9 million in "First Czech-Russian Bank" which belongs to structures of the billionaire Gennady Timchenko who is closely connected with Putin and got to the sanctions list of the Russian oligarchs after annexation of the .

The ex-deputy of the State Duma, the chairman of the party "The western choice" Konstantin Borovoy considers that acts of terrorism in is the next special operation of the Kremlin with the purpose to radicalize a situation in and to help the right nationalists.

Putin and Lavrov very frostily comment on the incident in . They worry that the connection of the Russian intelligence services with these acts of terrorism will emerge

– Konstantin Natanovich, after the act of terrorism in , the Internet dappled with guesses not only of political scientists, but also of ordinary users of social networks about that "the hand of " could reach the French capital. It is absurd version, at first sight. Even though behaves as the real terrorist in relation to , how does come into the picture?

– When the plane in which the president of Poland Lech Kaczyñski flied fell in the 2010th near , Valeria Novodvorskaya told me that it was a special operation. I must confess I was confused by her words. It seemed to me the conspiracy assumption. But she even had no doubts. Now, after falling of Malaysian Boeing and after different other provocations, I already understand that, most likely, she was right.

The Tu-154М plane with 96 people onboard, including the president of Poland Lech Kaczyñski was lost near on April 10, 2010, thousands of Poles came on the anniversary of crash to the building of the Russian Embassy in with the requirement to make truthful investigation of the reasons of plane crash. Photo: RAFAL GUZ/ERA

Photo from an action at the building of the Russian Embassy in . 2010. Photo: RAFAL GUZ/ERA

In the same way I have no doubts concerning acts of terrorism in . It is known that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French right-wing nationalist political party "National front", received on the election campaign the huge money through the credit term of return of which is not fixed, so, simply is absent. It is one of many schemes used by the Kremlin for financing, allowing to transfer large sums and not to pay taxes.

The president of the French party "National Front" Marine Le Pen welcomes the supporters during a May Day action. , 2014. Photo: Yoan Valat/ERA

Act of terrorism in is an attempt to radicalize a situation in Europe, to help the right nationalists, and also to revenge for refusal to deliver the military helicopters "Mistral" to . But the main reason after all is in causing essential damage to stability in . Putin wanted to prove to himself that he still influences the international political situation. After all, he is in isolation today and resists to all European community. And it is very dangerous.

– Then it is possible to assume one more purpose – attempt at least for a while to distract attention of the world community from the war in .

– Of course. It is Putin's style – formally, so to speak, to transfer a situation from the plane of terrorism of to the plane of fight against terrorist activity of hardly alive "Al-Qaeda". In 1999 I carried to the information for FBI about an activity of "Al-Qaeda" against the . Besides warnings of possible terrorist attacks, this information contained obvious data on close cooperation of the Russian intelligence services with Ousama Bin Laden. However, the did not pay deliberate attention to this data.

Actions in memory of the victims of the recent Parisian acts of terrorism which began with execution of journalists in editorial office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo take place in the different countries of the world. . . January 9, 2014. Photo: Abdelhak SENNA / ERA

– How do you think, the West also takes into account the version about possible participation of the Kremlin in act of terrorism in ?

– Yes, all this is understood and analyzed so details will emerge soon. Notice, Putin and Lavrov very frostily comment on the incident in . They worry that the connection of the Russian intelligence services with these acts of terrorism will emerge. Putin's behavior in this situation, by the way, is very similar to how he behaved after the crash of the plane of Kaczyñski, – the same condition of a fright. And the Russian intelligence services are very much afraid of information leakage.

Nepalese journalists honored memory of the French colleagues who died as a result of act of terrorism in on January 7, 2014. . . Photo: Narendra Shresth/ERA

The leakage was more than once, but the at that time were not interested in confrontation. The idea of reset was being prepared (or as ridiculously Hillary Clinton called it - "overload"). As far as I know, Americans were aware of that the Russian special troops very actively worked in , but did not develop this subject for the political reasons.

Putin is dangerous to mankind. He committed even more crimes than Milosevic did

– For the same reasons the West does not hurry to publish results of investigation of circumstances of crash of the Malaysian plane which is shot down over the territory of "DNR"?

– Yes, this story was also dropped. There are already proofs of that it was the Russian calculation activity, and Boeing was shot nearly from the territory of Russia, there is also an explanation of motivation of these events – to discredit Ukraine and Poroshenko. Another thing is that it did not work well, but they tried, it is obvious. Can you imagine what will be if the information on participation of the Russian intelligence services in crashes of the Polish and Malaysian planes, and act of terrorism in Paris comes out...

298 people died who were onboard of the Malaysian Boeing 777 which was shot down by terrorists in July, 2014 over the territory which is under control of "DNR". Photo: ALYONA Zykina

They would declare the war after that. Such barbarity is impossible in the XXI century in the international and human relations. After a while all this, of course, will be on the carpet in the Hague court. But so far, the information on participation of the Russian intelligence services will appear only confidentially, but not officially. Though, nobody doubts that it is a crime.

– But if so, how many tragedies there will be, until it reaches the International tribunal? Their scenarios and geography will depend only on the imagination of one person …

– Europeans are very careful. There is a fight already, but they use so-called soft force, they still have a hope that he will be frightened of sanctions, will come to his senses. The same was with Hitler in 1939. The history teaches that it teaches nothing. Putin is dangerous to mankind. He already committed more crimes than Milosevic did. But the civilized world always has a hope for sanity.

Everybody remembers Angela Merkel's reaction to the trite joke about the first marriage night told by Putin. Merkel looked at him, as at the savage. This look was as a slap in the face. And if Putin was not the moral jerk, he somehow would react to such looks, statements and the attitude towards him of the international community, from which he receives diplomatic "slaps in the face". To demand from him observance of the international standards, as well as from bandits of "LNR" or "DNR" who keep people in cellars, kill on streets, take away property, – the same as to ask animals in a zoo. We can ask, but there won't be any result.

Konstantin Borovoy: " Everybody remembers Angela Merkel's reaction to the trite joke about the first marriage night told by Putin. Merkel looked at him, as at the savage. This look was as a slap in the face".

– Discussing the Parisian acts of terrorism, some Russian mass media write that supposedly "finished badly in tolerance". And it is instead of sympathy for French who say that, having killed 17 people, terrorists wounded all …

– Yes, people from Putin team already commented on it: like, we, Russians, fight against fascism, we are strong, if something happens – we give the answer quickly, but the West is not able to answer.

– During the final press conference Putin softly scolded Kadyrov for the "emotional" promise to burn houses of relatives of the people accused of participation in recent act of terrorism in . Houses are burned, but Kadyrov did not receive any punishment. Today he is the chief in , but a lot of people suggest that he could become the next president of . How do you consider, is it possible or not?

– It is one of possible scenarios for withdrawal of team of Putin. I do not know, how well it is planned, but I assume that it was considered. Such governor, the dictator, the sadist and the murderer could provide withdrawal of the main group, and then appear in the head of state. In principle, it is possible to bring any person to power. It is paperwork. Putin also came to the power by very expensive special operations, among which Second Chechen war was. When there are no moral restrictions, there are also no limiting factors.

In September, a series of acts of terrorism with explosions of houses took place in in 1999. Volgodonsk. Photo: YURY KOCHETKOV/ERA

To blow up houses, to arrange plane crashes, to poison people with polonium – as it was in London when the former officer of FSB Litvinenko was killed... Kadyrov in the same way can be made the president by means of special operation which can become any barbarous war, with propaganda bosh, with the huge amount of victims in , or in , or in , – in this case it is not necessary even to make up anything as the Russian troops are already there.

Careful tactics of Poroshenko for which he was reproached, pushing to active military operations, turned out to be effective

– Your forecast concerning Navalny which you stated one week prior to announcement of a sentence, came true: he received the conditional punishment. Many people understand: something goes wrong here …

– Concerning Navalny already there is some sobering up. When four years ago we with Novodvorskaya wrote that the head of the democratic organization cannot accept cooperation with organizers of "The Russian march", people shouted that we are provokers.

– You told once: " doesn't exist any more..." What kind of did you mean?

– The one that doesn't exist for a long time already. Formally it stopped existing in the 1917th when the was formed. I somehow never reflected on where the prototypes of heroes of Chekhov, Turgenev, Bunin, those doctors and small landowners have gone. I saw the answer to this question in one of theatrical performances of Dmitry Krymov recently. These clever and sensitive people appear on fields of Civil war, then – by the ships sailing from the , and then – in cars on the way to GULAG. There exactly where was left. And the state that we call today, – the unfortunate project of transformation of a splinter of the spiteful Soviet empire into the democratic state.

Konstantin Borovoy: "Putin came to the power by very expensive special operations, among which Second Chechen war was". . Gudermes. November of the 1999th. Photo: ITAR-TASS / ERA

In the 1993rd when the Constitution was created (I participated in this constitutional meeting), the sketch of other state which had to arise thanks to new laws and people with democratic belief was offered. They needed some time in order that laws started working so that Russians got used to respect the state. Two years later this sketch was destroyed.

Also there was a new design. Democratic Russia stopped existing, without having revived, – after Putin's arrival, after two Chechen wars with marauding of the Russian military when from there were taken out by columns of cars furniture, carpets and even toilet bowls. It turned into the nationalist authoritative state which has no relation to the real . It is Post-Soviet "putin-lend".

– The other day in Astana negotiations with participation of leaders of , , , and Putin will take place. For what, in your opinion, it is possible to wait from this meeting?

– You should not hope for concessions from Putin, of course. But efficiency of the western sanctions is already much higher, than it was expected. In a combination to spontaneous process of falling of price of oil the effect for idle economy of the nonexistent state turned out very powerful. In few months the ruble will fall twice. Now survival of Putin and his company, in fact, will depend on Poroshenko. Well, and on the West and the , of course, too.

By the way, careful tactics of Poroshenko for which he was reproached, turned out to be optimum. Everyone pushed him to active military operations, including me. But he was not mistaken. With decline of ruble Putin has nothing to pay to militaries. In this case mobilized concentrated army becomes a factor of danger to Putin.

The probability of it is very high if still to consider that Putin seeded nationalist sentiments in army too. The movement can begin in the opposite direction: instead of – to . Putin is very much afraid to lose control levers. Therefore reckless, raunchy acts he already makes less. As one high-ranking American official told, "we gave some medicine – now we wait until it works".

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