Chubarov: The Russian film about the Crimea is evidence that must be used in court in the Hague G

Chubarov: The film is a mixture of inadequacy and giving oneself up
Photo: Eden Dinber Edwin / Facebook
According to the Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar People Refat Chubarov, the film "Crimea. The Road to the Homeland" portrayed the leader of a large state who says that he solely makes inadequate decisions.

The documentary "Crimea. The Road to the Homeland" shown on the Russian television is evidence that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is guilty of occupying the peninsula, the Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov said in the comment to the GORDON .

"Undoubtedly, this film is evidence that must be used in court in the Hague. All this evidence is personally expressed by the president of the Russian Federation," he reported.

According to Chubarov, Putin’s psychological portrait is depicted in the film.

"Film is a certain mixture of inadequacy and giving oneself up. It is intended for both internal and external consumers. Yesterday, we saw the psychological portrait of the leader of a large state who says that he solely makes inadequate decisions," Chubarov stated.

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