Journalist Romaniuk: Trying to win the information war, enacting censorship - it's the same thing as hammering in nails with a microscope
Romaniuk: Parliamentarians think that if they legally ban criticism of the authorities they will immediately win the information war
You can not win the information war in the country, simply by enacting censorship. Such opinion to "Gordon" was expressed by the executive director of the Institute of Mass Information, a representative of the international organization "Reporters Without Borders' in Ukraine Oksana Romaniuk.
"Recently we heard couple of times initiative on enacting censorship in parliament. Two weeks ago, one of the deputies of the Bloc Poroshenko has registered a bill to ban the non-recognition of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The journalistic community responded immediately and the bill was withdrawn. But somehow similar initiatives regularly emerges from the walls of parliament. Maybe it's the effect of the stress? Parliamentarians think that if they legally ban criticism of the authorities they will immediately win the information war. But the "win" by enacting censorship, it's the same thing as hammering in nails with a microscope. I'm afraid the problem lies in the incompetence of people's deputies in the information sphere, "- she said.
According to Romaniuk, the criminalizing criticism of the government bill does not stand up to scrutinity.
"The People's Deputy of the “Narodnyy Front" Konstantin Mateychenko’s criminal liability for criticism of the authorities bill is terrible. This initiative contradicts Ukrainian legislation and international standards. We will communicate with this deputy, we will publicly criticize his bill. We can not prohibit criticism of the government, this is absurd! " - Said the journalist.
Romaniuk said that the bill should be withdrawn.
"Pay attention, the bill has no specific formulization, which means "deliberate actions to undermine the authority of the state and its authorities. "Yes, the document is illogical. I am absolutely sure that the Mateychenko’s initiative will not be supported in the Verkhovna Rada, in fact - none of the parliamentary committees will not work. As far as I know, "Narodnyy Front" had very negative attitude to Mateychenko’s innovation. I think that Deputies from faction will talk to their collegue, and he will withdraw his bill, "- said the journalist.