Korchinskiy about Boris Nemtsov murder: Moscow propaganda wants to drown this crime in the flow of delirium
4 march, 2015, 19:05
Korchinskiy stated that Putin has killed Boris Nemtsov
Leader of the "Bratstvo" Dmitry Korchinskiy is sure that the killer of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov - personally Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Moscow propaganda wants to drown the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov in the flow of various delusions.
The leader of "Bratstvo" (Brotherhood) Dmitry Korchinskiy said this in the commentary to "Gordon”.
He is confident that the killer is personally Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Some Russian media and some of "our" media made the assumption that Dmitry Korchinskiy is the one who is responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Moscow propaganda wants to drown a crime in the flow of various delusions. Already a hundred versions were made up. Although everyone understands that the murderer is neither Dmitry Korchinskiy nor Dmitry Yarosh, but Vladimir Putin personally. This nonsense is very difficult to comment on, "- said Korchinskiy.
Odessa TV host Gregory Kvasnyuk believes that the leader of the "right sector," the MP Dmitry Yarosh and the leader of the "Bratstvo" Dmitry Korchinskiy may be involved in the murder of the Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.
Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot late in the evening on February 27 in Moscow. In an interview two weeks ago Nemtsov announced his fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin could kill him. At the same time, Vladimir Putin assured that the murder of opposition leader is “carries solely provocative character."
The leader of "Bratstvo" (Brotherhood) Dmitry Korchinskiy said this in the commentary to "Gordon”.
He is confident that the killer is personally Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Some Russian media and some of "our" media made the assumption that Dmitry Korchinskiy is the one who is responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Moscow propaganda wants to drown a crime in the flow of various delusions. Already a hundred versions were made up. Although everyone understands that the murderer is neither Dmitry Korchinskiy nor Dmitry Yarosh, but Vladimir Putin personally. This nonsense is very difficult to comment on, "- said Korchinskiy.
Odessa TV host Gregory Kvasnyuk believes that the leader of the "right sector," the MP Dmitry Yarosh and the leader of the "Bratstvo" Dmitry Korchinskiy may be involved in the murder of the Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.
Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot late in the evening on February 27 in Moscow. In an interview two weeks ago Nemtsov announced his fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin could kill him. At the same time, Vladimir Putin assured that the murder of opposition leader is “carries solely provocative character."