Kyiv resident allegedly infected with coronavirus was denied of hospitalization twice – said his wife
Wife reported her husband’s death on April 6
Wife of Valerii Viiushin, a man from Kyiv who had died, says ambulance vehicles refused to take her husband to a hospital.
30-years old Kyiv resident allegedly infected with coronavirus who died on April 6 for a long period of time was denied of hospitalization. His wife Viktoria Viushina wrote about it in her Instagram account.
“Three ambulances had come, and neither had not it diagnosed, including private ambulance, didn’t even try. Five days of 40 ºС fever. Wild coughing without pause. And even the last ambulance tried to refuse to take him to hospital. They said seat tight for three days, drink some anti-virus drugs.” – she wrote.
She added that her husband was finally taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia.
On April 6, Viushina reported that her husband died.
“I don’t know: how I could survive through it? I want nothing and no one. The funeral is tomorrow. Please do not call me” – she wrote.
According to the Ministry of Healthcare as of 9-30 AM April 7 in Ukraine there are 1462 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 45 people had died, 28 people recovered.
Outbreak of COVID-19, disease caused by coronavirus infection, started in December 2019 in China. On March 11, World Health Organization declared it a global pandemic.
According to American John Hopkins University, total number of infected people in the world exceeded 1.36 million of people. More than 291 thousand of them recovered, and 75 973 persons had died.