Malomuzh: There are no organized terrorist divisions so far, but there are agents operating in Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Odessa G

Malomuzh: There are no organized terrorist divisions so far, but there are agents operating in Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Odessa Nikolay Malomuzh
By carrying out acts of terrorism, fighters want to show that they are active across the whole Ukraine, considers the former head of the Service of Foreign Intelligence General Nikolay Malomuzh.

Fighters who carry out acts of terrorism in Ukrainian cities first of all do it on border territories, the former head of the Service of Foreign Intelligence General Nikolay Malomuzh stated in the comment to GORDON

"According to the latest information, there are no organized, systemic divisions that would carry out acts of terrorism so far. But there are agents and individual fighters who are first of all sent to border regions – to Kharkiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions, to the liberated territories of Lugansk regions, to Mariupol," the general said.

According to him, if fighters fail to officially take under complete control territories seized by them, the threat of acts of terrorism will extend all over the country.

"The terrorists want to carry out further peace talks between the Ukrainian central power and representatives of "DNR" and "LNR" so far; they want to raise a question of full transfer of territories to the terrorists. If it does not happen, the zone of military operation on key points will be resumed and expanded, and they will be frequent acts of terrorism and diversions in all the territory of Ukraine. They take place locally so far, closer to the liberated territories of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. Or in the neighboring zone – Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Dnepropetrovsk, and Odessa in order to stir up the population even more," Malomuzh commented.

The general believes that fighters thus want to show that they actively operate everywhere, that the forces organizing anti-Ukrainian resistance are still effective.


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