President’s mistake, or how Putin made a slip of the tongue at the meeting with students G

President’s mistake, or how Putin made a slip of the tongue at the meeting with students Putin saw NATO legions in Ukraine
Photo: EPA

"There are absolutely different objectives there, and they are related to geopolitical goals of restraining Russia, which runs contrary to the national interests of the Ukrainian nation," the Russian President Vladimir Putin said explaining to the students in Saint Petersburg that a NATO foreign legion is fighting in Ukraine. The columnist of the GORDON Yevhen Kuzmenko noticed Putin’s symptomatic slip of the tongue.


– Hello, is it mental hospital? Come quickly, the president has gone crazy! Yes, he seems to have got obsessed with demons! And their name is legion!

There could be such a call at a local mental hospital in the course of Putin’s today's meeting with the students of the University of Mines in Saint Petersburg. Speaking about the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Vladimir Vladimirovich told young listeners as follows:

"It is not an army, it is a foreign legion; in this case, it is a NATO foreign legion that does not pursue Ukraine's national interests. There are absolutely different objectives there, and they are related to geopolitical goals of restraining Russia, which runs contrary to the national interests of the Ukrainian nation."

The master of the Russian mountain could get crazy plodding away at frontline maps day and night

Uh? Of course, none of the students objected; all mining engineers know what a rockfall is and why it happens to those who dare argue with Vladimir Vladimirovich. By the way, the latter did not give any addresses or passwords. Either this information is classified, or regular Botox injections softened the memory of the hardened intelligence officer.

In fact, there are two further options. We have already mentioned the first one: the master of the Russian mountain could get crazy plodding away at frontline maps, and now he often dreams of a huge Black from New Orleans covered with NATO stripes who rushes into the city library of Antratsit and treads works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Darya Dontsova as well as the novel "Shield and Sword" by Vadim Kozhevnikov.

During such nights, Vladimir Vladimirovich moans, sweats, and tries to strangle someone with a pillow, while this someone dodges with incredible flexibility. Only in the morning when he wakes up, Putin sees Alina sleeping on a Persian rug in the other side of the room. Every time he gives a sigh of relief...

However, it is more likely that the Russian president simply lied to the Russian students of the University of Mines. Everyone knows that Vladimir Vladimirovich is very good at lying: he was taught at the Graduate School of the State Security Committee (KGB), and there were masters better than Stierlitz! For several years of study, Putin learned to fool simple Soviet dissidents, naive German communists, competitors from the State Intelligence Department and – the most important and difficult thing – to fool his bosses! Well, Vladimir Vladimirovich moved to a new level when he became president. Almost every day, he manages to pull the wool over the eyes of 146 270 033 compatriots (according to the Russian Statistics Service) within one TV session. And these are only those who live within the blessed Russian Federation!

It is clear that it was simple to deceive several hundred students. Vladimir Putin has been proud of his ability to recruit people from the young age; now he was pleased looking at these fools who ready to believe in any rubbish. None of the guys in the uniforms of engineers asked: who fight in this foreign legion? What are the goals of these gay special forces? What are the national interests of the Ukrainian nation? And the most important question is why the Russian president knows better than Ukrainians what their national interest is.

One is restrained if one attacks a peaceful unsuspecting person

Generally, Vladimir Vladimirovich felt no resistance from the audience and relaxed; once he relaxed, he made a mistake unforgivable for a spy of such a level. He made such a slip of the tongue that the International Court in the Hague should have instituted a case against the Russian dictator.

What was this slip of the tongue? Read the following sentence carefully once again, "There are absolutely different objectives there, and they are related to geopolitical goals of restraining Russia, which runs contrary to the national interests of the Ukrainian nation."

I wonder what restraint the Russian president speaks about if Russia is a peaceful country? One is restrained if one attacks a peaceful unsuspecting person. Or, for example, if harmless pigs are walking in the taiga and see a huge vicious bear rushing at them...

Once again, word by word: a hooligan, a robber, a murderer is usually restrained. And every means is good for restraining such an aggressor.

It is a pity that our Western friends do not fully understand this yet. Otherwise, instead of unfortunate inhabitants of Mariupol Putin’s troops would be restrained by the foreign legion that Vladimir Vladimirovich is subconsciously so afraid of.

By the way, is not it the reason why the Russian president scared the students of the mining and engineering university with this NATO legion?

...Professor Sigmund Freud is waving to Putin from somewhere in heaven. He is waving as if telling us all: do not believe this madman! But watch out, one should also make out what he is raving. One can learn many useful things...

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