Sunolta Group has taken over the management of Euroterminal LLC

Sunolta Group has taken over the management of Euroterminal LLC Euroterminal LLC is the only Ukrainian "dry port"

Sunolta, a trading and production companies group, has joined the management of Euroterminal LLC as part of its strategy to develop its own port infrastructure, reported TSN.

Since 1996, Sunolta has been engaged in wholesale and small-scale trade of sunflower seeds, wheat, flour, oil, peas, fuel pellets, and alternative fuels.

The company implements a full cycle of raw material processing, starting with delivery from the producer to elevators and ending with the sale and transportation of finished products to consumers.

Euroterminal LLC is a transport holding company that includes the UNSC stevedoring company and the Eurocargo brokerage and forwarding company. It was established in 2005 with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to facilitate transport links between Europe and Asia as part of International Transport Corridor No. 9.

Euroterminal operates on a total area of 42 hectares, which includes a transit accumulation site, a cargo customs complex, Ukraine’s first free customs zone, and a special AutoHub project.

Euroterminal LLC is also Ukraine’s only "dry port" designed with provisions for future expansion, production facilities, and seamless interaction with all types of transport. It is located close to the port of Odesa.

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