Lawyer of the relatives of the Heavenly Hundred Dikan: Most of the suspects in grave crimes on Maidan are hiding in Russia G

Lawyer of the relatives of the Heavenly Hundred Dikan: Most of the suspects in grave crimes on Maidan are hiding in Russia Many people involved in the crimes on Maidan have already received Russian citizenship, Dikan is convinced
The lawyer Pavel Dikan, who represents the interests of Maidan victims' relatives, noted that some people involved in the crimes on Maidan have already received Russian citizenship.

Investigation of the case concerning the shooting of the Heavenly Hundred is hindered by the position of Russia that hides most perpetrators of this crime in its territory. The lawyer of the victims families Pavel Dikan said it in the comment to the GORDON .

"Perpetrators will be punished when Russia starts fulfilling its international commitments regarding the provision of legal assistance and extradition of criminals. More than 90% of persons suspected of the grave crimes on Maidan are hiding in the territory of Russia or the Crimea," Dikan said.

"Our current government’s actions are limited to two options, and it uses both of them. The first one is to request for assistance within the framework of the CIS interstate agreement on extradition of criminals. But Russia simply ignores these requests. The second one is to file an appeal using the Interpol mechanism. And the main suspects whom I know are on the international wanted list," said the lawyer.

Either Russia will change or its leaders who will take responsibility for their obligations

"Regarding Yanukovych, who was accused on February 25, 2014, the Interpol has refused to put him on the wanted list due to the fact that the accusation was politically motivated. There could not be enough evidence of Yanukovych’s involvement on February 25, 2014. He was put on the wanted list due to economic crimes, but only nine months later. There are some drawbacks in the investigation, and it was obvious, everybody was talking about it. Today, I think, there is enough evidence for him and others to be put on the wanted list," said the lawyer.

Pavel Dikan noted that there can be no talking about the Russian Federation’s contribution to the investigation of the Heavenly Hundred crimes until the political regime in Russia changes.

"As for the arrest of the Russian leaders involved in the shooting, it seems unrealistic until the political conditions change significantly in Russia. Either the country will change or its leaders who will take responsibility for their obligations. Indeed, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are not extradited at the request of international investigative agencies or other countries. However, it does not exclude the possibility that they may be brought to justice. However, as is the case with Lugovoy and Kovtun (suspects in the murder of the former Federal Security Service officer Litvinenko. – GORDON), we see that no one is going bring anyone to justice. Under the current regime in Russia, the same thing will happen to other people involved in international crimes. It is especially so because, as far as I know, some of those who fled to the territory of Russia have already received Russian citizenship," Dikan considers.

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