Shenderovich: Not all Ukrainians were starved to death – so it came to Maidan G

Shenderovich: Not all Ukrainians were starved to death – so it came to Maidan Extremism may be combated like in Saudi Arabia, Shenderovich believes
Photo: Olya Olshansky / Facebook
The satirist writer and columnist of the GORDON Victor Shenderovich believes that the fine imposed on the Crimean library for the books on the Holodomor is not a sufficient punishment, and extremism must be combated in a more radical way.

                Writer, columnist

Cultural news

The head of Feodosia library system has been fined two thousand roubles for mass distribution of extremist materials: books on the Holodomor (extermination by hunger) in Ukraine have been found in the local library...

And it is considered extremism now.

Certainly, not the Holodomor itself. The Holodomor is now "effective management", it is welcome. It is a pity that not all Ukrainians were starved to death and completed the mission – so it came to Maidan and demolition of monuments to the founder of the concentration camp… 

Thanks God, at least the Crimea has been seized, and our well-known spirituality and morality can be established there by confiscation of books about the Holodomor. We will not allow extremism! Only restoration of discipline and order!

In this respect, two thousand roubles seems an unsufficient measure for me. It does not impressit is not thrillingI would have ordered to give him fifty lashes a month like in Saudi Arabia – and no extremism!

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