Nemtsov: With Strelkov’s help, a version will be flogged that "It was Churchill who invented DNR in 1918" G

Nemtsov: With Strelkov’s help, a version will be flogged that "It was Churchill who invented DNR in 1918" Boris Nemtsov

The head of the Russian opposition party of RPR-PARNAS Boris Nemtsov said in the comment to the GORDON why the Novorossiya project has been wound up, how Vladimir Putin is going to use the former terrorist leader Igor Girkin (Strelkov) and what will change in the information policy of the Kremlin.

The Russian oppositionist Boris Nemtsov is convinced that the Novorossiya project had to be wound up because of a lack of means and hopelessness of this region with its destroyed economy, and now the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will turn to the policy of dirty tricks and threats of aggression, and he will lay all blame for the conflict on the USA. 

Girkin is right – the Novorossiya project has been wound up. In fact, it occurred long ago. It was wound up when Putin withdraw 17 thousand people of his troops from the border. Today Putin has defiantly refused to meet Zakharchenko.

The Novorossiya project has been wound up for two reasons: the first and the most important one is that there is not enough money. There is no money to support everybody. Putin has a terrible crisis in the country, an enormous regional crisis, all regional budgets are bankrupts, and a drastic currency crisis. Rouble is down, today one dollar costs 48 roubles already, while at the beginning of war with Ukraine one rouble cost 33, that is it fell by 40 percent. The territories occupied by separatists have no economic potential – mines are flooded, coal is cut off the plants, nothing works, so there are no chances that Putin will invest money. The project is closed and that is it.

Putin will make mischief! He will deliver weapon, saboteurs, troops. He will use the base for creating provocative situations and aggression.

Strelkov (Girkin) is a rather marginal and eccentric person. Firstly, he is absolutely pro-Putin, absolutely, for 100%. He even refused to participate in the march in support of Novorossiya on November 4 because there were anti-Putin slogans. He swears allegiance to Putin, it looks quite disgusting, but it is true. He starts shivering at the word "Putin", he keeps saying how much he likes the Supreme Commander and he is ready to serve him for the rest of his life, which causes heartburn among very many people, including nationalists.

In this sense, his statements that "DNR" and "LNR" are an American project of the Department fo State are rather interesting. By the way, it proves that Putin has abandoned this project completely. I think that propaganda will make the version that the war in Donetsk and Lugansk had been invented by Americans the main informational mainstream.

The fact that the Kremlin mass media, in particular Lifenews, interviewed Strelkov proves that they will use Strelkov to let down Novorossiya and accuse Americans that they have made everything up and caused a quarrel between the Russian and Ukrainian people. They are now using Strelkov to suggest a crazy idea that it was not Putin who unleashed war, it was not Putin who set Russians on Ukrainians and Ukrainians on Russians, but that it was done by Americans. Here is why they need Strelkov – to declare that it was Churchill who invented "DNR" in 1918, or that it was poor Obama from the Hawaiian Islands who did it.

This crazy idea will be flogged to the Russian people with Strelkov’s help. He was banned in Putin’s mass media, now he is allowed. And it means a lot that he gave an interview to this bastard Gabrielyan. Gabrielyan does not do anything without the Kremlin’s instructions. Now Putin, understanding that he has made an enemy of the Ukrainian people, will try to shift everything on Americans with Strelkov’s help.

Igor Girkin (Shooters), the former terrorist leader in "DNR", gave an interview to the Russian mass media recognizing the defeat of Novorossiya.